Diploma in Grade R


Call Centre: 018 285 5900

E-mail: DistancePotch@nwu.ac.za

Students based in Namibia

E-mail: UODL-Namibia@nwu.ac.za



Diploma in Grade R Programme Information




SAQA ID: 91726

This is a three year diploma on NQF-level 6.


Prospective students must already be working at a school in Grade R to be able to apply for admission.

The Diploma in Grade R Teaching is a NQF-level 6 qualification consisting of 380/388 credits. Students choosing English First Language (LoLT) are required to complete an extra language model of 8 credits as required by the Department of Higher Education and training, as stipulated in the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications. Therefore students taking English First Language (LoLT) will complete a total of 388 credits to attain the Diploma in Grade R Teaching. The Diploma in Grade R Teaching will also provide a vast number of under- and unqualified Grade R practitioners with the opportunity to gain access to a higher education qualification. This qualification will be recognized by the Department of Basic Education and utilized to enable the practitioners to qualify for the relevant REQV level 13 for remuneration purposes. Therefore, this qualification will not only provide prospective students with an opportunity to develop their academic careers, but may also enhance their personal and social well-being. This specialized qualification will provide the successful student with an opportunity to articulate into a BEd degree (Foundation Phase) in order to gain status as a fully qualified Foundation Phase teacher after completion of this degree. Students who wish to articulate into the BEd degree will be credited with up to 180 credits at the NWU.


The core modules focus on Languages, Mathematics and Life Skills that should form an essential part for any Reception Year teacher’s professional knowledge. Research has proven that, where young learners have a solid grounding in Life Skills, they are better prepared for all challenges of life and future success. The Life Skills component of this qualification thus carries the most credits in order to equip Grade R teachers with the critical knowledge of all facets of Life Skills education. This programme will develop the necessary competences for students to understand how learners learn, how to teach and how to assess what they learn. The programme further includes modules focussed on work-integrated learning (WIL). These modules which are on NQF level 6 aim to develop the students’ discipline and pedagogical knowledge and skills. These modules link clearly with the competences of how to unpack the curriculum, apply sound subject knowledge and how to teach subject content successfully to Grade R learners. The WIL modules also range from levels 5 to 7 to ensure the development of competences for effective teaching in diverse classrooms in South Africa.


NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.

The purpose of the Diploma is to provide for the needs of Gr R practitioners currently in the field.  The Diploma in Grade R Teaching is a three-year qualification designed for practising under-qualified or unqualified teachers currently employed at provincial Department of Basic Education schools

The minimum admission requirement for this qualification, as stated by the Department of Higher Education and Training, is a National Senior Certificate with diploma endorsement or equivalent. A level 4 or level 5 Certificate or Diploma in Early Childhood Development may also be presented for admission. It is assumed that students with such qualifications will have the necessary knowledge, skills and values to register for a level 6 qualification.

To apply for Grade R you have to complete an online application form and the PR02 form for Grade R, it is COMPULSARY with the application form.


Method of Delivery



The distance mode of delivery refers to the presentation of the composite modules of a programme to students who do not attend classes or tutorial or practical sessions. The interaction with NWU academic or support staff, or NWU-appointed facilitators, and the presentation of the composite modules of a programme are undertaken remotely through the use of teaching technology, various forms of correspondence or the Internet.



NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.

Registrations are only done online.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they are registered for the correct modules before registration closes.

Study guides, manuals, tutorial and prospectus booklet can be downloaded from university platforms.

Important Information


General UODL inquiries:


Gr R registrations:


Assignment Department:

018 285 2699 / 018 285 2705 / UODL-Assignments@nwu.ac.za


Academic Records:

018 285 2074 / UODL-Academicrecords@nwu.ac.za


NB Lecturers do not have access to results or student records.


Retrieve a free academic record:

Your username is your student number.
The first time default password is your ID@Nwu example : 123456789@Nwu
Or https://www.nwu.ac.za/ and at the bottom the DIY services.
The sites works best on FireFox if you use your phone.



018 299 2667/8/9 / PC-Studyfees@nwu.ac.za

Study Material:

018 285 2095 / 018 285 2095 / UODL-studymaterial@nwu.ac.za

WIL Practical Information:

018 285 2781/2/3 / p-wil-office@nwu.ac.za
To request a certificate Grad@nwu.ac.za


Support on the website:

You can access your Results / Proof of Reg / Academic Record / Downloads etc at the following link:


Specific academic questions:

Please contact your lecturer for modules that you need academic assistance with, all of these contact details will be found in the tutorial for that specific module.


Please explore the distance site https://distance.nwu.ac.za/ there are many resources that can aid you.