Study centres throughout South Africa and Namibia make it possible for in-service teachers to achieve the following qualifications:
ACT : Advanced Certificate in Teaching |
ACFPT : Advanced Certificate in Foundation Phase Teaching |
ACIPT : Advanced Certificate in Intermediate Phase Teaching |
ACSPT : Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching |
ADE : Advanced Diploma in Education |
ADT : Advance Diploma in Teaching |
BEd : Foundation Phase |
BEd : Intermediate Phase |
BEd : Senior & FET Phase |
BEd : Honours |
Diploma : Grade R |
The Advanced Certificate in Teaching(ACT)
The Advanced Certificate in Teaching is intended to acknowledge specialised academic or professional studies in education. The Department of Basic Education and the Department of Higher Education and Training realised that many teachers need more subject knowledge or want to change their direction or specialisation and/or teach a new subject or phase. The ACT is a new qualification that can fulfil that role. The ACT is primarily vocationally oriented, and the aim with the qualification is that teachers strengthen their subject knowledge or prepare themselves to teach a new subject. The ACT qualification will be based on the four school phases: Foundation Phase, Intermediate Phase, Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase. The UDL at the NWU will in 2018 present the Advanced Certificate in Foundation Phase Teaching (ACT FP), the Advanced Certificate in Intermediate Phase Teaching (ACT IP), and the Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching (ACT SP).
To register for the ACT, a student should have at least one three year teaching qualification carrying 360 credits from an accredited higher education institution; i.e. the student has to be a professional teacher. ABET qualifications do not provide access to the ACT since they are not school based. There is no requirement pertaining to experience. It is the only qualification that students who have completed the NPDE can enrol for in order to further their studies up to honours or masters level. However, students with a completed ACE, BEd, PGCE or even BEdHons may also enrol, should they want to change their focus or sharpen their skills. It is a one year qualification which is presented over two years via distance education.
From the ACT, students may articulate to the Advanced Diploma in Education (NQF 7), from where they can continue either to the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or the BEdHons, both NQF 8.
The Advanced Certificate in Foundation Phase Teaching (ACFPT)
SAQA 96436
This programme will equip teachers to teach in grades R, 1, 2, and 3. They do three generic modules (Foundations of Education, Information and Communication Technology and a Practice Teaching component) and six content-based modules which are CAPS based.
The Advanced Certificate in Intermediate Phase Teaching (ACIPT)
SAQA 97199
This programme will equip teachers to teach grades 4, 5 and 6. They do three generic modules (Foundations of Education, Information and Communication Technology, a Practice Teaching component) and three fundamental modules (two modules in English First Additional Language and one module Elementary Mathematics.) Students select two specializations from Life Skills, Mathematics, Science and Technology and Social Science.
The Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching (ACP ST)
SAQA 99572
This programme equips teachers to teach from grade 7 to grade 9, i.e. the final phase of the General Education and Training band. Students do the three generic modules: Foundations of Education, Information and Communication Technology, and a Practice Teaching component. They then select ONE specialization from Economic and Management Sciences, English Home Language, Life Skills, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science or Technology.
Students pursuing the ACT are expected to complete the module in Work-integrated Learning (WIL). If they are practising teachers, the assessment will take place in their current school, by an approved mentor. If they are not in a teaching position, they have to spend three weeks at a partner school of the NWU in order to complete the WIL.
The ACT is delivered only via distance learning. Students may register twice a year: to commence in January or in July. All study materials are included in the price of the programme and delivered to students by courier. Students are not expected to have internet access. The study material is available in hard copy (paper-based), and interactive whiteboard classes are presented. These lessons can be attended at one of the many student support centres where computers with internet access are available, or may be downloaded from here.
The medium of instruction is English and study material is available in English, but students may do their work in Afrikaans or answer examination papers in Afrikaans.
The Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE)
SAQA ID: 94859
Qualification code: 94859
The ADE is a NQF level 7 qualification, and students can articulate to a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDip) on NQF level 8 or a BEdHons on NQF level 8.
The ADE addresses the needs of three types of teachers.
- For retraining, teachers who want to specialise in a new teaching subject.
- For upgrading, teachers with a professional qualification, who did not specialise in the phase but have experience teaching in the phase.
- For upgrading, teachers who want to strengthen their field of specialisation subject and/or phase.
- A four year Bachelor of Ed degree / general first diploma or degree + a Postgraduate Certificate in education or a former Higher Dip in education (Postgraduate).
- A former ACE or a Further Dip in Ed which follows a former professional teaching qualification or a former 4 year Higher Dip in Ed.
- A new AC (level 6 on the current NQF level 10) which followed a former Dip in Ed (including a NPDE) may also be presented for admission.
Method of Delivery
Currently the mode of delivery is paper based. Classes are presented in English over the Inter Active White Boards. For each model 3 contact sessions are scheduled during a semester or 6 for a year module.
Although a computer is not a pre-requirement, it will be to your benefit, since assignments and portfolios need to be typed and you need the internet to complete assignments and portfolios.
Two student intakes per year.
Advanced Diploma in Teaching (ADT)
SAQA ID: 97757
Programme Information
The rules for the ADT Programme must be read together with the General Academic rules of the university (A-rules), which is available on the Internet here
Nature and general aims
The ADT programme in the Faculty of Education Sciences of the North-West University prepares student teachers to become competent professional educators in a variety of educational and training careers. The overarching goal of the educational experience in this particular programme is to provide all our students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live and work in a globally interdependent world and with the support services to help them succeed. This requires a conscious, purposeful, sustained and social-constructivist focus on the actual learning of students that may take place because of their interactions in specific study-related groups. For this reason, this academic programme also seeks to foster inclusivity and to develop a sense of personal and social responsibility and ethical conduct in and among our students by encouraging involvement in environmental affairs, as well as in community and public service. It endeavours to offer and cultivate a teaching-learning environment that is hospitable to diverse socio-conventional and linguistic interests and activities.
The Advanced Diploma in Teaching is focused on the initial training of teachers for teaching in the Senior and Further Education and Training Phases, thus Grades 7 to 12.
The ADT serves as a professional capping qualification for candidates who have completed a relevant B-degree or a relevant qualification with at least 360-credits and wish to enter the teaching profession.
Students, who obtained this qualification with its focused vision on classroom practice, will be able to fulfil all the contextual roles and competencies of an effective educator.
With this certificate an educator can teach from Grades 7 to 12.
The programme equips and empowers prospective educators in the Senior and FET phases to:
- Develop and demonstrate a deep knowledge and understanding of education theory and practice;
- Integrate education theory and practice as applied competence;
- Demonstrate and implement the subject specific pedagogical competencies of the Senior and FET educator that embrace teaching, learning and assessment in practice;
- Develop and demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to become responsible, independent and contributing scholars of the professional educational community in a diverse and changing national and international context; and
- Develop and demonstrate critical, creative and reflective problem solving skills within educational and societal context.
The qualification consists of a minimum of 140 credits divided into a minimum of 15 modules. These modules include fundamental modules, generic modules and specialisation methodologies, as well as some additional modules.
This specialised qualification will provide the successful student with both horizontal and vertical articulation possibilities. To articulate vertically, a student can seek access to the B Ed Honours (NQF 8) or a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (NQF 8), specializing further in a cognate subject, phase or practice contained in this initial qualification. These NQF Level 8 qualifications ensure access to further postgraduate studies (Master’s & Doctoral Degrees) in cognate study areas. A horizontal articulation is also possible to the Adv Dip (Education) qualification on NQF level 7, for students who want to develop a new role to support teaching and learning, for example school librarianship, education for the deaf, etc.
Study Duration
The minimum duration of study is one year (four examination opportunities) and the maximum duration of study is three years (six examination opportunities)
Specific Objectives
Students, who obtained this qualification with its focused vision on classroom practice, will be able to fulfil all the contextual roles and competencies of an effective educator.
The language of tuition via ODL is English. Study guides for all the modules are available in English. A student may write examinations and submit assignments in either Afrikaans or English. Contact sessions are conducted in English.
An undergraduate university degree with two recognised school subjects or a recognised qualification with a minimum of 360 credits at NQF level 6 and that includes at least two recognised school subjects.
Students must also be able to take two methodology subjects in order to obtain the qualification.
The curriculum for the qualification is structured as follows:
- a recognised school subject at level 3 +
- a recognised school subject at level 2 (depending on subject specific requirements).
In the event of a choice between methodologies for academic subjects already obtained for a prior qualification, a student must select from these the two subjects that were obtained at the highest level. In the case of Languages, the relevant language subject must be at year level 3.
(A recognised school subject is one included in the Department of Basic Education’s official list of school subjects.) These are recognised school subjects completed in a qualification obtained:
Examples of recognised school subjects completed in initial qualification obtained:
Languages (Afrikaans, English or Setswana), Geography, History, Mathematics, Sociology and Psychology, Human Movement Sciences, Life Sciences (Physiology, Botany, Zoology), Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry), Business Management, Accounting, Economics, Tourism, Information Technology, Music and Art.
Faculty Specific requirements
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Mathematics must have completed Mathematics on level 2 or otherwise Mathematics on level 1 with one of the following on level 2: Statistics, Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Life Orientation must have Psychology and one of the following subjects on degree level: Sociology, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Human Movement Science, Nutrition and Labour -and Industrial studies. Psychology must be one of the disciplines. The student must already have a second school subject on degree level for the second methodology. Due to the high volume of Life Orientation applications, a cut-off point of 65% average for the highest subject contributing to the Life Orientation methodology is set.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Languages must have completed it on level 3.
- A student who wants to take Life Sciences as methodology need to present one of the following subjects Physiology, Zoology or Botany on level three and the other two on level 1 for admission to the ADT.
- A student who wants to take Physical Sciences as methodology need to present one of Chemistry or Physics on level two and the other one at least on level 1.
- It is compulsory for students in the Methodology of Visual Arts to have a background knowledge in music.
- It is compulsory for students in the Methodology of Music to have a background knowledge in art.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Business studies, needs to have a background knowledge of Accounting and Economics to be able to qualify for Economic Management Sciences.
- A student who want to take the Methodology of Accounting, needs to have a background knowledge in Business Management and Economics to be able to qualify for Economic Management Sciences.
- A student who want to take the Methodology of Economics, needs to have a background knowledge of Accounting and Business Management to be able to qualify for Economic Management Sciences.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Tourism, needs to have a background knowledge of Business Management, Accounting and Economics to be able to qualify for Economic Management Sciences.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of Geography, needs to have a background knowledge of GIS and History to be able to qualify for Social Sciences.
- A student who wants to take the Methodology of History, needs to have a background knowledge of Geography to be able to qualify for Social Sciences.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management System?
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
- Annual registrations only (i.e. one intake only in the beginning of the year).
- Closing date for applications: 30 September of year before year of study.
- The duration is a minimum of one (1) year and a maximum of three (3) years to complete the study.
Bachelor of Education (BEd): Foundation Phase
SAQA : 96365
The purpose of the BEd Foundation Phase programme is to develop teachers who can demonstrate general educational principles as well as focused knowledge and skills for Foundation Phase teaching. The qualification requires in-depth specialized knowledge, together with practical skills and experience in Foundation Phase classroom teaching context. As part of the qualification, students will be expected to gain experience in applying such knowledge and skills in the context of working with Grade R - 3 learners in a school. This will be realized by the proposed curriculum on the basis of the coherent and ongoing connection between the core theory of pedagogy, the theory of teaching and learning and the subject content of Foundation Phase teaching
The application period will open on 01 March and closes 31 August.
General admission requirements
- A National Senior Certificate must be obtained and the minimum statutory requirements for admission to a B degree.
- APS-score: The results obtained in four Designated Subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS-score. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded. The APS-score is 24. Students may be required to write an admission exam. Students with an APS score higher than 24, who do not have a degree endorsement (exemption), may be considered for admittance after successfully completing a Senate-approved admission test.
- Basic computer literacy.
- Language requirements: A minimum pass level 4 (50%-59%) is compulsory for the languages offered at Home Language and First Additional Language levels.
- Access to internet.
- It is compulsory to attend all contact sessions.
- It is compulsory to obtain the necessary technology such as a computer and/or tablet and mobile phone that meet the minimum specifications of the NWU namely: WiFi-enabled, one of the operating systems Windows, Android or Apple, 3G enabled (preferable) and 32 Gig (preferable).
- Due to practical requirement in some of the modules, vacation school attendance may be required for Distance Learning (ODL) students enrolled for the Foundation phase programmes.
- Costing of the vacations schools is the responsibility of the students.
- The results of 6 subjects are used to determine the APS-score.
- The achievement obtained in Life Orientation (LO) will not be rated in computing the APS-score. An achievement level of 5 or higher in LO will be regarded as a recommendation for admission in boundary cases and admission to certain programmes.
- A student who achieves one APS scale points less than required for a specific study course, may at the discretion of the Senate be admitted conditionally to a particular field of study. Such a student must prove by successful completion of a Senate-approved admission examination, registered with the Matriculation Board that he/she has the ability to be admitted to university studies.
- A student who obtains Discretionary Exemption may be admitted to certain study programmes on certain conditions.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management system
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
BEd students may register annually during January with a minimum and maximum study period to specific programmes.
NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.
Work Integrated Learning
All BEd Foundation phase students must do six weeks of work integrated learning in Gr R – 3 at an approved school, each year.
Bachelor of Education (BEd): Intermediate Phase
SAQA : 98923
The purpose of the BEd in Intermediate Phase programme (Life Skills & Social Sciences) is to develop teachers who can demonstrate general educational principles as well as focused knowledge and skills for Intermediate Phase teaching. The qualification requires in-depth specialized knowledge, together with practical skills and experience in Intermediate Phase classroom teaching context. As part of the qualification, students will be expected to gain experience in applying such knowledge and skills in the context of working with Grade 4 - 6 learners in a school. This will be realized by the proposed curriculum on the basis of the coherent and ongoing connection between the core theory of pedagogy, the theory of teaching and learning and the subject content of Intermediate Phase teaching.
Application for admission
The application period will open on 01 March and closes 31 August.
General admission requirements
- A National Senior Certificate must be obtained and the minimum statutory requirements for admission to a B degree.
- APS-score: The results obtained in four Designated Subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS-score. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded. The APS-score is 24. Students may be required to write an admission exam. Students with an APS score higher than 24, who do not have a degree endorsement (exemption), may be considered for admittance after successfully completing a Senate-approved admission test.
Specific requirements
- Basic computer literacy.
- Language requirements: A minimum pass level 4 (50%-59%) is compulsory for the languages offered at Home Language and First Additional Language levels.
- Access to internet.
- It is compulsory to attend all contact sessions.
- It is compulsory to obtain the necessary technology such as a computer and/or tablet and mobile phone that meet the minimum specifications of the NWU namely: WiFi-enabled, one of the operating systems Windows, Android or Apple, 3G enabled (preferable) and 32 Gig (preferable).
- Due to practical requirement in some of the modules, vacation school attendance may be required for Distance Learning (ODL) students enrolled for the Intermediate phase programme.
- Costing of the vacations schools is the responsibility of the students.
Calculating the APS-score
- The results of 6 subjects are used to determine the APS-score.
- The achievement obtained in Life Orientation (LO) will not be rated in computing the APS-score. An achievement level of 5 or higher in LO will be regarded as a recommendation for admission in boundary cases and admission to certain programmes.
- A student who achieves one APS scale points less than required for a specific study course, may at the discretion of the Senate be admitted conditionally to a particular field of study. Such a student must prove by successful completion of a Senate-approved admission examination, registered with the Matriculation Board that he/she has the ability to be admitted to university studies.
- A student who obtains Discretionary Exemption may be admitted to certain study programmes on certain conditions.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management system
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
BEd students may register annually during January with a minimum and maximum study period to specific programmes.
NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
All BEd Intermediate phase students must do six weeks of work integrated learning in Gr 4 – 6 at an approved school, each year.
Bachelor of Education (BEd): Senior & FET Phase
SAQA : 97262
The purpose of the BEd Senior and FET Phase programme is to develop teachers who can demonstrate general educational principles as well as focused knowledge and skills for Senior and FET Phase teaching. The qualification requires in-depth specialized knowledge, together with practical skills and experience in Senior and FET classroom teaching context. As part of the qualification, students will be expected to gain experience in applying such knowledge and skills in the context of working with Grade 7 - 12 learners in a school. This will be realized by the proposed curriculum on the basis of the coherent and ongoing connection between the core theory of pedagogy, the theory of teaching and learning and the subject content of Senior and FET Phase teaching.
Application for admission
The application period will open on 01 March and closes 31 August.
General admission requirements
- A National Senior Certificate must be obtained and the minimum statutory requirements for admission to a B degree.
- APS-score: The results obtained in four Designated Subjects and two NSC subjects are used in the computation of the APS-score. The results obtained in Life Orientation are excluded. The APS-score is 24. Students may be required to write an admission exam. Students with an APS score higher than 24, who do not have a degree endorsement (exemption), may be considered for admittance after successfully completing a Senate-approved admission test.
Specific requirements
- Basic computer literacy.
- Language requirements: A minimum pass level 4 (50%-59%) is compulsory for the languages offered at Home Language and First Additional Language levels.
- Access to internet.
- It is compulsory to attend all contact sessions.
- It is compulsory to obtain the necessary technology such as a computer and/or tablet and mobile phone that meet the minimum specifications of the NWU namely: WiFi-enabled, one of the operating systems Windows, Android or Apple, 3G enabled (preferable) and 32 Gig (preferable).
- Vacation school attendance is compulsory for Distance Learning (ODL) students enrolled for the Senior and Further Education and Training phase programmes that specialises in Life science, Physical science or Geography.
- Costing of the vacations schools is the responsibility of the students.
- Certain programmes has specific subject requirements as indicated in the minimum admission requirements document.
Calculating the APS-score
- The results of 6 subjects are used to determine the APS-score.
- The achievement obtained in Life Orientation (LO) will not be rated in computing the APS-score. An achievement level of 5 or higher in LO will be regarded as a recommendation for admission in boundary cases and admission to certain programmes.
- A student who achieves one APS scale points less than required for a specific study course, may at the discretion of the Senate be admitted conditionally to a particular field of study. Such a student must prove by successful completion of a Senate-approved admission examination, registered with the Matriculation Board that he/she has the ability to be admitted to university studies.
- A student who obtains Discretionary Exemption may be admitted to certain study programmes on certain conditions.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management system
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
BEd students may register annually during January with a minimum and maximum study period to specific programmes.
NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
All BEd Senior and FET phase students must do six weeks of work integrated learning in Gr 8 – 11 at an approved school, each year.
Bachelor of Education (BEd): Honours
SAQA ID: 59302
Note: Each application will be dealt with individually.
On completion of the studies, candidates will be able to demonstrate thorough understanding and have gained knowledge and skills of the principles, methods and procedures relevant to the specific programme specialisation in education.
Candidates will be able to have gained knowledge and understanding of the role that research plays in education, conduct basic evaluation and educational research.
These studies will enable students to play a leadership role in professional educational activities in the different sectors of teaching in South Africa.
Requirements to the honnours degree in Education:
A BEd or a B-degree + PGCE qualification, or
A recognised four-year HED qualification
Aggregate of 65% in previous qualification
Advanced computer literacy and personal access to Internet on a regular basis.
The rules for BEdHons must be read together with the general academic rules (skakel asseblief) of the university. Admission to this qualification takes place according to the general rules (A.6) of the university. Students must be in possession of the required qualifications for admission to study in the BEdHons programme selected.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management System
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
Annual registration only.
Closing date for applications: 30 September
The duration is a minimum of two years and a maximum study period of four years.
Learning Materials
Students annually receive learning materials such as textbooks and readers, CD’s with video-clips (mainly lectures), tutorial and exam letters and an ODL Prospectus (Information Booklet). Most of the materials will only be electronically available on eFundi, not in paper format.
SAQA ID: 59302
Note: Each application will be dealt with individually.
- On completion of the studies, candidates will be able to demonstrate thorough understanding and have gained knowledge and skills of the principles, methods and procedures relevant to the specific programme specialisation in education.
- Candidates will be able to have gained knowledge and understanding of the role that research plays in education, conduct basic evaluation and educational research.
- These studies will enable students to play a leadership role in professional educational activities in the different sectors of teaching in South Africa.
Requirements to the honnours degree in Education:
- A BEd or a B-degree + PGCE qualification, or
- A recognised four-year HED qualification
- Aggregate of 65% in previous qualification
- Advanced computer literacy and personal access to Internet on a regular basis.
The rules for BEdHons must be read together with the general academic rules (skakel asseblief) of the university. Admission to this qualification takes place according to the general rules (A.6) of the university. Students must be in possession of the required qualifications for admission to study in the BEdHons programme selected.
Method of Delivery
The North-West University provides each student with the opportunity to attend contact sessions at specific NWU venues countrywide. Lecturers are available for students for extra support. Additional student support is provided by means of Learner Management system:
What is a Learner Management System
A Learner Management system supports communication between lecturers and students and creates a collaboration environment for students and researchers. Academic information such as subject content, discussion forums, important dates, additional resources and supplementary instruction are clearly advised on e-Fundi.
- Annual registration only.
- Closing date for applications: 30 September
- The duration is a minimum of two years and a maximum study period of four years.
Learning Materials
Students annually receive learning materials such as textbooks and readers, CD’s with video-clips (mainly lectures), tutorial and exam letters and an ODL Prospectus (Information Booklet). Most of the materials will only be electronically available on eFundi, not in paper format.
Diploma in Grade R Teaching
SAQA ID: 91726
This is a three year diploma on NQF-level 6.
Prospective students must already be working at a school in Grade R to be able to apply for admission.
The Diploma in Grade R Teaching is a NQF-level 6 qualification consisting of 380/388 credits. Students choosing English First Language (LoLT) are required to complete an extra language model of 8 credits as required by the Department of Higher Education and training, as stipulated in the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications. Therefore students taking English First Language (LoLT) will complete a total of 388 credits to attain the Diploma in Grade R Teaching. The Diploma in Grade R Teaching will also provide a vast number of under- and unqualified Grade R practitioners with the opportunity to gain access to a higher education qualification. This qualification will be recognized by the Department of Basic Education and utilized to enable the practitioners to qualify for the relevant REQV level 13 for remuneration purposes. Therefore, this qualification will not only provide prospective students with an opportunity to develop their academic careers, but may also enhance their personal and social well-being. This specialized qualification will provide the successful student with an opportunity to articulate into a BEd degree (Foundation Phase) in order to gain status as a fully qualified Foundation Phase teacher after completion of this degree. Students who wish to articulate into the BEd degree will be credited with up to 180 credits at the NWU.
The core modules focus on Languages, Mathematics and Life Skills that should form an essential part for any Reception Year teacher’s professional knowledge. Research has proven that, where young learners have a solid grounding in Life Skills, they are better prepared for all challenges of life and future success. The Life Skills component of this qualification thus carries the most credits in order to equip Grade R teachers with the critical knowledge of all facets of Life Skills education. This programme will develop the necessary competences for students to understand how learners learn, how to teach and how to assess what they learn. The programme further includes modules focussed on work-integrated learning (WIL). These modules which are on NQF level 6 aim to develop the students’ discipline and pedagogical knowledge and skills. These modules link clearly with the competences of how to unpack the curriculum, apply sound subject knowledge and how to teach subject content successfully to Grade R learners. The WIL modules also range from levels 5 to 7 to ensure the development of competences for effective teaching in diverse classrooms in South Africa.
Prospective students must already be working at a school in Grade R to be able to apply for admission. The minimum admission requirement for this qualification, as stated by the Department of Higher Education and Training, is a National Senior Certificate with diploma endorsement or equivalent. A level 4 or level 5 Certificate or Diploma in Early Childhood Development may also be presented for admission. It is assumed that students with such qualifications will have the necessary knowledge, skills and values to register for a level 6 qualification.
Method of Delivery
The contact-session timetable includes information regarding study venues, contact times and dates, modules, semesters. Take note that there are possibly three sessions that could take place at selected Learner Support Centres:
- Whiteboard 1
- Whiteboard 2
- Whiteboard 3
If an SMS is sent to you reminding you of contact sessions, please refer to your year programme to see whether your programme/modules will be facilitated during the sessions on that specific date. Refer to your year programme for the closest Learner Support Centre in your area. You may attend contact sessions in any area. All contact sessions will be done through the interactive whiteboards installed at Learner Support Centres. Semester modules will have 3 contact sessions and year modules will have 6 contact sessions
There are two intakes per year. Students may register at any time of the year with a minimum and maximum study period to specific programmes. NWU bursary students need to consult their Provincial Department of Education regarding the availability of bursaries.
To register for Grade R you have to complete an application form and the PR02 form for Grade R, it is COMPULSARY with the application form. Students receive the following study material:
- A comprehensive study guide and manual;
- learning materials such as textbooks and readers;
- USB (mainly lectures);
- tutorial and prospectus booklet.