Marker Portal


Marker Resources & Downloads





Dear UODL Marker,


This site was created to assist and explain the claiming process:

  • IMPORTANT: From 2023, markers are required to submit the evidence of marking with the claim forms, not negotiable. The following will be accepted:
    1.    Physical (paper-based) assessment marking – Allocated bundle report (which is given by the assignment office when fetching the assessments). Marker sheets can also be used but will be more paperwork to process the claims.
    2.    Electronic marking – Gradebook report and / or report from lecturer on the amount of scripts marked by the external marker.
    3.    The start and end date also need to be filled in on page 3 of 5 on the P&C105 claim form for external markers. Markers also need to fill in the total hours marked (required by P&C).

    4.    NWU staff who submit P&C036 (Functional Allowance) claim forms, fill in the time sheets (modules, date, hours) on the claim form. See Memo on Functional Allowance. NWU Staff MUST submit the signed pre-approval form with the claim form. The P&C036 form must also be signed in Section B at Line Manager, Director and UMC/SMC signature before it is submitted.
    5.    All external markers are required to upload their Declaration of Interest on the following link: If not uploaded, there will be a delay in the payment
Assignment and examination guidelines for lecturers and external markers

Please see important guidelines from the assessment office. View the Examination Guidelines 2024 and Assignment Guidelines 2024 Documents



  • Submit your claim form only at
  • Submit ONE claim at a time. Do NOT resend or update a claim form that was already submitted, rather claim the assignments / exams in the following month.
  • Each marker has to submit a claim form on or before the 15th of each month. Last claims for December and January must be submitted on 7th of the previous month (7 November and 7 December).
  • The claim will only pay out the end of the next month. Example: Claim submitted 15 July, will pay out end of August. 
  • Note that claim forms must be submitted correctly and in the correct format otherwise People & Culture (P&C) will not process the claim. Claim forms need to be filled in and signed electronically. P&C still need to be able to fill in the form electronically. Save the form on your computer, fill in and Save. Make sure your forms are correctly filled in electronically (scanned in forms, filled in by hand, forms that cannot be completed/signed by P&C). P&C will not process forms that are incomplete.  We also do not take responsibility for forms which is not in the correct format. 
  • Neo Thebe only verifies if the correct amount of scripts are claimed, the claims are then sent to Petunia van Blerk, she will then escalate it to Management to sign Section D (P&C036 forms) and is then submitted at P&C. NB - Neo does not work at finances/P&C.
  • External markers (not NWU staff members) must submit the P&C131F Non-Standard Appointment 4 form. External markers also need to submit a P&C229 Declaration of Interest once a year. 
  • Markers who are NWU staff members must claim with the P&C036F Functional Allowance form.
  • External markers (not NWU staff) must claim with the P&C105F Claim Form
  • Assignments / Exam scripts = R32 (before tax, please do not calculate taxes on claim forms). Portfolios = R83. Scripts out of 50 will then be R16.
  • NB! NB! Markers should keep record and evidence of marking for audit purposes. Keep marker-lists safe for at least a year. 
  • Claims are not guaranteed to be paid out in the following month due to unforeseen circumstances, like audits, staff on leave, due dates etc.

Please Note: External markers who have not submitted the completed P&C131 and P&C229 forms with the completed CVs and relevant documents will not receive payments until they have submitted these completed forms. 

Kind regards,




You are required to read the following documents and submit information where applicable. Click on the relevant document to view/download.